Spread the word about your project by using our climate platform

Take your sustainable project to the next level by uploading it for free on the world’s first climate marketplace, reaching millions of users and companies committed to fighting climate change.

Sell Your Project and Grow Your Positive Impact

By uploading your mitigation project to our marketplace, you will showcase to the world the positive actions you are taking for a better planet. With an additional revenue source from our platform, you will be able to increase your income and reinvest in your projects, furthering their positive impact on the planet.

Join us and let’s make a difference together.

Sell Your Project and Grow Your Positive Impact

Benefits of selling your carbon credits with ClimateTrade


Dynamic demand that is growing all around the globe.

No intermediaries

Direct and immediate access to a global base of carbon credit buyers.

Ease of use

Upload your project in 4 clicks.

Price transparency

You’re the one who sets the price of your carbon credit, with no hidden cost.

Free registration

ClimateTrade is another tool you can count on to diversify your sources of income.

Total control

In addition to setting the price, you are the one who sets the volume to be traded through the Marketplace.

Win-win model

You only pay a fee on your completed transactions, which means that we only get paid when you get the liquidity you need.

Global showcase

Our clients are no less than: Melia, Santander, Danone, Lavazza, Cabify, Mapfre and many others.

Blockchain technology

Transparency and traceability for each transaction.

We don’t require any commitment or exclusivity on your projects; instead, we help you diversify your sources of funding.

A Diverse Range of Project Categories

At ClimateTrade, we embrace different project categories that are aimed at tackling climate change. Whether you are a project developer in renewable energy, reforestation, biodiversity, or any other category, you can upload your project to our platform and gain access to a global base of carbon credit buyers.

Carbon credits

A tradable certificate representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or an equivalent greenhouse gas emission reduced by a project.

Renewable energy

Energy sources that are replenished naturally and have a low impact on the environment, such as wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal power.


Relates to social or environmental causes and can include initiatives such as clean water, education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation.

Biodiversity credits projects

Biodiversity credits

Incentivize the conservation and restoration of natural habitats and their associated species.

Projects certified by world-renowned standards

They buy carbon credits on ClimateTrade

Uploading your project is quick and easy, and completely free of charge. 

Upload project and receive requests from buyers

Sell your carbon credits on the marketplace

Upload certificate of cancellation or transfer of credits

Withdraw payment

Project developer testimonials

So far, our experience with ClimateTrade has been fantastic. We’ve completed three sales of small volumes of credits through the platform, which was faster than other end-buyer marketplaces we’ve used. The process of listing projects is efficient, and the website is easy to navigate. We particularly appreciate the regular updates and ease of project updates, and the summary sales, orders, and deposits on the ClimateTrade Profile page are visually appealing and easy to understand.

Pedro Carvalho
Head of portfolio

ClimateTrade’s platform has been incredibly helpful in streamlining our project management and sales performance tracking. The account opening process was quick and easy, and we appreciate the direct access to end buyers through the marketplace. The transparency of transactions and ease of use make the entire trading process smooth. We also have to give credit to the friendly and proactive team, who has been instrumental in our success on the platform.

Jatin Kapoor
Head of Climate Transactions

Emergnet ventures

Development, contribution and carbon futures

If your project is not yet ready to sell carbon credits, ClimateTrade can still help you! We allow developers to sell different types of contribution credits on our marketplace, and we love to help impactful projects develop their strategy.

Development, contribution and carbon futures

Digital verification of mitigation projects

ClimateTrade has developed a Digital Measurement, Reporting and Verification (D-MRV) methodology and platform to make it easier for you to get your project certified. We call the carbon credits verified this way Electronically Verified Emissions Reductions or E-VERs.

FAQs project developer

What are the benefits of having my mitigation project in the ClimateTrade marketplace?
  • When you place your project on the ClimateTrade marketplace:
  • You immediately get direct access to a global base of carbon credit buyers — no intermediaries.
  • You’re the one who sets the price of your carbon credit, with no hidden cost — transparency is our priority.
  • We don’t require any commitment or exclusivity on your projects; instead, we help you diversify your sources of funding.
How much does it cost to place my mitigation project on the ClimateTrade marketplace?

It is entirely free to register and upload your project on the ClimateTrade marketplace. You only pay a fee on your completed transactions, which means that we only get paid when you sell your carbon credits and get the liquidity you need. Fees can vary depending on the type of transaction and amount of CO2 offset, but they generally are generally around 10%.

What are the requirements to upload my project to the ClimateTrade marketplace?

Projects listed in the ClimateTrade marketplace must be registered through one of the main accreditation programs (CDM, VCS, Gold Standard, American Carbon

Registry, Climate Action Reserve, amongst others) and have credits issued by their registries.

The units (credits) need to be unique and available for cancellation, retirement or transfer.

Developers must upload all documentation certifying the process of generating carbon credits in their project space within the platform. Certificates of ownership of the carbon credits and every transaction and certificate of cancellation of the carbon credits by the corresponding registries must also be uploaded.

How do I upload my mitigation project?

It’s easy as 1-2-3! First, you need to register on the marketplace. In your profile section, go to ‘My Projects’ and click on ‘+ Add your first Project’. Choose the type of project you want to upload (carbon offsetting or nature-based solutions), then fill in the ‘Project Description’ form. Hit ‘Preview’ to make sure it all looks good, then hit ‘Submit’, and you’re done!

Do I need a minimum/maximum amount of credits to list my project on the platform?

No, you decide the volume of credits that you want to offer for sale on the ClimateTrade marketplace.

Why am I required to provide information about the vintage of the credits?

All credits on the marketplace must be referenced according to their vintages, because this information is of particular interest to buyers.

Who defines the price of carbon credits generated from my project?

You! On the ClimateTrade marketplace, you decide how much your carbon credits are worth.

Does ClimateTrade interfere in the communication between me and the end user?

No. ClimateTrade is only a tool connecting you to buyers. We never interfere in communications between our users.

Does ClimateTrade guarantee the sales of the carbon credits of my project?

We cannot guarantee the sale of the carbon credits of your projects. However, we consistently see more demand for carbon credits than there are available on the platform, so it normally doesn’t take long to sell what you upload.

How does the blockchain technology used by ClimateTrade benefit me as a project developer?

Blockchain is all about transparency and traceability. Every transaction concluded on our blockchain platform is immutable, which means it is easy for you to track the sales of your carbon credits and report on them.

After uploading my project, can I remove it from the marketplace?

Yes! It is just as easy to remove your project as it is to upload it. With ClimateTrade, you have complete control over what you do with your carbon credits.

What kind of financing can I get on the ClimateTrade marketplace?

There are basically two kinds of financing you can get on ClimateTrade: general liquidity from the sale of your existing carbon credits on the spot market, and forward financing from selling carbon futures. The latter can help you get the funds you need to get your project off the ground.

How does the payment system work?

When you sell your credits on the ClimateTrade marketplace, the transaction is conducted via our platform’s payment system. After the buyer makes a payment, you need to upload the certificate of cancellation or transfer of credits from your project’s corresponding registry to ClimateTrade, in the ‘Sales’ section of your profile. Once this documentation is approved by our team, your payment will be available to withdraw – with our fee already deducted.

What other types of (non-carbon) credits can I sell on ClimateTrade?

ClimateTrade is more than just a carbon offsetting platform: we think of the climate crisis in a holistic way. That’s why whatever your positive environmental impact is, whether you generate carbon, plastic, water or even biodiversity credits, you can find funding on our marketplace.

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