Transform your event: Be a pioneer in your sector by going carbon-neutral 

Climate change is an urgent global challenge that demands action from every sector. As organizations, it is our responsibility to lead the way and contribute to a sustainable future.

The Environmental Impact of Organizing an Event: Understanding Your Company's Footprint

How is my company generating a footprint by organizing an event?

Your company generates a footprint through energy consumption, transportation emissions, waste generation, commuting of attendees, and other factors.

What does it mean to host a carbon-neutral event?

It means taking measures to offset the carbon emissions produced during the event by investing in activities that reduce or remove an equivalent amount of carbon from the atmosphere, effectively achieving a net-zero carbon impact.

What are the benefits of doing a carbon-neutral event? 

Tackle climate change

by actively investing in projects that remove CO2 from the atmosphere, you take tangible action to combat climate change and contribute to the vital task of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Demonstrate corporate social responsibility

show to your stakeholders that you are taking steps to reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future.

Attract media attention

a carbon-neutral event provides a newsworthy angle that can attract media coverage, generating positive publicity and raising awareness about your brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Engage consumers

hosting a carbon-neutral event creates an opportunity to engage and educate consumers about the importance of environmental sustainability, fostering a positive brand image and building stronger connections with your audience.

Tackle Scope 3 emissions

Whether you organize the event for your company, or you organize it for another, tackle scope 3 emissions reducing and offsetting events’ related footprint and provide a value added service, with increasing demand by corporations.

Discover some of the events that became carbon neutral thanks to ClimateTrade

Solutions events carbon neutral

How does it work? 

Organizing and celebrating carbon neutral events, tackling companies’ scope 3 footprint, is very simple and agile with ClimateTrade

Simplify Sustainability: ClimateTrade's Event Calculator

ClimateTrade introduces an intuitive and comprehensive event’s calculator, empowering you with complete control and visibility over the variables influencing your event’s carbon footprint.

Built in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, our calculator provides accurate measurements, enabling you to make informed decisions and take meaningful actions towards reducing your environmental impact.

Engage attendees and empower change with ClimateTrade's Event Whitelabel

Inspire event attendees to take action against climate change. With ClimateTrade’s Event Whitelabel, attendees can measure their carbon footprint and actively participate in offsetting it by selecting sustainable projects that align with their values and creating a collective impact for a greener future.

Eager to learn more? Connect with our sustainability specialists for detailed insights into the process and pricing options.

ClimateTrade's Event Whitelabel

Reach out to us today, and together, we can unite our forces to combat carbon emissions and make a lasting impact on our planet's future.