Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

NFT and fungible tokens
Blockchain Technology

What are NFTs and fungible tokens?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the latest blockchain craze. But do you know what they are? We live in an era in which emerging technologies never

blockchain myths
Blockchain Technology

Top 3 myths about blockchain

Learn about the most common myths about blockchain technology.   Myth #1 Blockchain = Cryptocurrencies The first myth is that Blockchain = Cryptocurrencies. This statement

How does Blockchain work?
Blockchain Technology

How does Blockchain actually work?

This post will cover how blockchain technology works, the advantages it presents, as well as its disadvantages. It is easy for newcomers to mix up

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Climate Change News

Why should we care about biodiversity?

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN General Assembly reflects directly on the importance of the ecosystem. A collective action plan built around

carbon removals
Climate Change News

IPCC confirms the importance of carbon removals to meet climate goals

The latest IPCC assessment report reminds us that we need to do much more this decade if we are to limit global warming to 2ºC, and presents the most efficient avenues to meet our climate goals: phasing out fossil fuels and using carbon removal methods in hard-to-abate sectors.