What are carbon-neutral products and services?

carbon neutral products

Consumers and regulators are increasingly  demanding transparency on the environmental impact of the products they buy. As a result, companies are taking steps to make their products carbon-neutral.

As a reminder, carbon neutrality means balancing out the CO2 we emit with the equivalent carbon absorption from the atmosphere. To achieve carbon-neutral products, companies must first reduce a maximum amount of emissions generated during its production, and then offset the remainder through carbon credits (financing for climate mitigation projects that take carbon out of the atmosphere). 

In the coming years, all products will be benchmarked by CO2, and consumers will know exactly how much they pollute before buying them, which will influence their purchasing habits. 

Carbon-neutral products and services are a necessity. But making it happen is easier said than done. It requires automated carbon footprint calculation and a reliable platform to give customers full visibility on where the carbon credits are generated.

ClimateTrade helps companies to fulfil their most ambitious carbon offsetting commitments, empowering their sustainability strategy with our innovative digital solutions.

After noticing the trend towards carbon-neutral products and services, we developed the ClimateTrade API, the first API REST that can be easily and securely integrated into the companies’ systems for them to be able to offer their own customers the possibility of acquiring carbon-neutral products and services during the purchase process. 

And this month, we launched the ClimateTrade Widget, a tool with similar functionalities, but an even easier integration process, making it ideally suited for SMEs and organizations with limited IT resources.

The ClimateTrade API and Widget provide customers with information about the carbon footprint of their purchases and offer them the opportunity to invest in sustainable projects while offsetting it.

We have already  integrated our solutions into the systems of large corporations worldwide.

Iberia, offset the carbon footprint of your flight

The airline offers its customers to offset the carbon footprint of their flight on a voluntary basis, and when doing so, support sustainable development projects, in a simple click at check-out, thanks to the integration of the ClimateTrade API.

The passenger gets the exact carbon footprint of their trip and the price needed to offset it. 

Read more about how Iberia is using the ClimateTrade API

Tu.com from Telefonica, buy carbon-neutral devices

Telefónica recently launched Tu.com, the first online platform for the sale of carbon-neutral devices. 

Reaffirming its commitment to achieving zero emissions by 2050, the company is selling devices whose carbon emissions have already been offset, taking into account the environmental impact generated by their manufacture.

Read more about Tu.com

Members of the Instituto Tecnológico de la Construcción de Cataluña (ITEC) can offset the carbon footprint of their works

ITec allows its members to offset their carbon footprint in all types of works involved in the construction process (such as materials, machinery, transport, etc.) and at any phase of the life cycle (manufacturing, construction, use and deconstruction).

Read more about ITeC’s partnership with ClimateTrade

Make the ClimateTrade API your competitive advantage: integrate our technology into your e-commerce platform or payment process (checkout) and offer carbon-neutral products or services to your customers. Let each shopping cart contribute to reducing your company’s environmental impact. 

Contact us to learn more about how to enhance your sustainability strategy.

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